Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Everlasting Paradise -- Chapter 5: Broken Answers

Fact: about half an hour ago, I yelled viciously at my little brother to stop annoying me and let me get some work done.

Also a fact: Chapter 5: Broken Answers of Everlasting Paradise has just been released.

Coincidence? I think not.

So, go read it!

Going A Bit Crazy

It's getting almost impossible to get any work done, and I'm starting to get a bit... unhinged about all these deadlines I'm missing in my head.

I have a vector, several sketches, Everlasting Paradise, several Youtube series, an entire Facebook page... and I'm starting my Sophomore year in three weeks.


I think I might be overworking just a tad.

Meanwhile, my little brother is doing everything in his power to make working on ANYthing absolutely impossible.