Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Part of Dreamtrotters and Unfinished Stories

Hooray! The very first part of Dreamtrotters is finished!

I'm about halfway through Act 0 at the moment, and working fast. I found a good place to stop, however, so I thought I would post what I had so far.

The story hasn't been uploaded to FIMFiction yet, but you can find it on Google Docs either on the above tab or below.

Have a good read!

Dreamtrotters: Act 0 Part 1

Also, I've added a couple unfinished stories that I've written to the Story Links tab. Hope you guys enjoy them, if you want me to finish one of them please say so!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Write, The Midnight Brony Style

1. Start at the beginning. Write about a thousand words over the course of two or three days.
2. Just get your ideas down on paper, don't worry about how good they are.
3. Realize that your intro sucks and delete it.
4. Repeat 1-3 until inspiration strikes.
5. Write down inspiration.
6. Wish you had endorsement.
7. Finish the chapter and publish on the internet.
8. Sadface when everyone says it sucks.
9. Shrug it off, do some revisions.
10. Move on to next chapter. See 1.

Oh, yeah, and happy holidays!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Princess Woona Links and FIMFiction Profile Updated

Just a quick update.

I've not only updated my FIMFiction profile, but I've placed both it and the Princess Woona links below the header for easy access.

That's all! Happy holidays!

Blog Reboot, Google+ Page And More!

Happy holidays, everypony!

To commemorate almost an entire year of The Midnight Brony, as well as the fact that the apocalypse didn't kill us all, I've started a Google+ page!

You can check it out here: Princess Woona (FiM)

I've also started work on a brand new fanfiction, Dreamtrotters! The updates for that up to this point are on my Facebook page (Princess Woona (Friendship is Magic)), but I'll summarize them here:

Dreamtrotters is a slice of life fanfic that was inspired by MLP Season 3 Episode 6, Sleepless in Ponyville. I got the idea that Luna couldn't possibly handle every single nightmare in Equestria all by herself, so she must have some sort of organization that provides support. Thus, the Dreamtrotters -- a coalition of mares and colts dedicated to defeating nightmares in the minds of Equestrians -- was born. The fanfic chronicles Cosmic, a somewhat aloof colt with a taste for astronomy, and his work with the Dreamtrotters.

So far I'm working on the very first segment, Act 0, and I plan to have it released on Google Docs/FIMFiction in about two to three weeks.

Unfortunately, while Dreamtrotters is in development I will not be able to focus on Everlasting Paradise. Maybe I can alternate chapters or something, but I can't put all my effort into two stories at the same time.

Regardless, updates for both fanfics will be posted here and at both Princess Woona pages.

Have a great winter break! See you all soon!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Pic completely unrelated.

So sick of school right now.



Oh, and Chapter 6 might be out eventually. Maybe. If school stops being a pain.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Everlasting Paradise -- Chapter 5: Broken Answers

Fact: about half an hour ago, I yelled viciously at my little brother to stop annoying me and let me get some work done.

Also a fact: Chapter 5: Broken Answers of Everlasting Paradise has just been released.

Coincidence? I think not.

So, go read it!

Going A Bit Crazy

It's getting almost impossible to get any work done, and I'm starting to get a bit... unhinged about all these deadlines I'm missing in my head.

I have a vector, several sketches, Everlasting Paradise, several Youtube series, an entire Facebook page... and I'm starting my Sophomore year in three weeks.


I think I might be overworking just a tad.

Meanwhile, my little brother is doing everything in his power to make working on ANYthing absolutely impossible.