Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Late Evening Brony: Random Update Stuff #1

Well, I finished the Applejack Comic. You'll need to wait until tomorrow to see it though.

It might get a little confusing, so here's some character stuff:

Pinkie Pie = My girlfriend, Alyssa. (Loud, obnoxious, and extremely Pinkie-like. Again, dating me. SHIPPING! YAY!)
Rainbow Dash = Sam (He's a nice guy, but he tends to hate a lot of things. Especially MLP. Loves to argue against every single thing I say. He isn't dating anybody.)
Spike = Jordan (An admin on a Facebook group I made. He's a bit fed up with me being a Brony. I'm an admin too, but he doesn't treat me like one. He's dating who I think should be Rarity.)
Twilight Sparkle = Kevin (He's actually pretty nice, but he tends to try and steer you in what he thinks is the right direction. He's the only one of my friends actually willing to read this blog. Thanks, Kevin!)
Fluttershy = Monica (Tends to only pitch in a comment or two before falling silent. She usually shows up at the end of long conversations. Apologizes a lot. Also, Kevin's (Twilight's) girlfriend.)

Well, see you guys in an hour or two! Bye!

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