Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Midnight Brony #5: Shipping Sunday (2/26/12)

Good evening, my Bronies! Tonight is the first Shipping Sunday, so we've got a few shipping pics here...

*Scrolls through archive of 1000 pony pics...*

Um... Well, this is odd. It appears I have no shipping pics on my phone at the moment. Please wait while I pull something together...

*7 minutes later...*

Well, this is all I could do now.

Pic 1: Drunken Twilight x RD
Well this is a fun one. I like how the creator didn't make Twilight really love RD, but still made a shipping relationship... And a pretty funny comic, if I may say so.

Pic 2: RD x Pinkie Pie
Generic ship here. Kept to the art style of the show, didn't have a very intimate relationship. Just RD being cute on top of Pinkie.

Pic 3: Twist x Snails
Ooh! I don't see this one very often. Good technique. I liked how the artist made Twist actually look... Attractive. I think that those two would be a perfect match for each other.

Pic 4: LIKE A BOSS! (Wat da...)
I came across this in a shipping search. How it got here is beyond me.

Well, see you in the morning! Goodnight!

(Note: I have tomorrow off from school, so expect a few during-the-day posts.)

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