Friday, February 24, 2012

The Midnight Brony #3: (BONUS!) Free Friday (2/24/12)

Um... What the...?

Pic 1: Human Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack in a Car
I just stumbled across this. It's an animated image, but idk if you can get the animation. Weird...

Pic 2: Twi Yelling at Computer
Well, we know Equestrians have video games, so why not computers? Anyway, Twi looks like she's having some intense gameplay. Or her computer froze again. Either way, great pic!

Pic 3: Alicorn Wishes
This is a really intense picture. It shows an Earth Pony standing in front of Alicorn wings and a horn. It's pretty sad and depressing.


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