Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Midnight Brony #7: Too Cute Tuesday (2/28/11)

Well, I've been stocking up photos for this day for quite a while now, so let's see what I came up with...

Pic 1: Pie Twi
My friends don't really see this as cute... I don't know why, though. What's cuter than a filly Twilight popping out of a pie?

Pic 2: Applejack & Twilight Carrying Spike & Pinkie
I guess I could of used this for Shipping Sunday, but I still find Pinkie's sleeping face adorable. Also supports my favorite shipping relationship. Yay! As for the quality, very nice art direction. The artist used his own style rather than the style of the show, which gave the pic it's own unique vibe.

Pic 3: Filly Vinyl Scratch
Awww! She's too little to wear her headphones! How cute!

Pic 4: Applebloom in a Basket
Again, I was saving this for another night, but it was too cute to pass up. Very nice lighting effects. It kept to the look of the show while harboring it's own style.

Pic 5: Chubbies Fighting Discord
Chubbies are so cute, aren't they? I love the artist's unique rendition of the Elements of Harmony rainbow beam. Nice glow effect in the background.

Well, I suppose that's all for tonight. You'll get a new Good Morning Applejack comic tomorrow!

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