Friday, February 24, 2012

The Midnight Brony #2: Free Friday (2/24/12)

Good evening, everypony! Today is the very first Free Friday, where I post whatever came up over the course of the day.

Tonight, I have some Pony Trading Cards (based upon Pokémon trading cards) that I have began to call Ponymon Cards. They look as though they could truly be used in an actual Pokémon card game, but they're unofficial. (Of course, I would never turn down a decent Ponymon battle *wink wink*)

Pic 1: "Gala Applejack"
Applejack has been a favorite of mine ever since the beginning of season two, and this card shows off her beautiful Gala gown. As far as the card game goes, very powerful. Of course, you need to have both the Applejack and Appletini cards played down before you can use Gala Applejack, but still. *whistles...*

Pic 2: Pinkie Pie (dark)
Oh sweet Celestia. I never really thought that Pinkamena could become any creepier, but as usual I was proven horribly wrong. As a card, very unique. She has very nice attacks, however her poké-body docks her 10 attack for each other Equestrian you have in play, limiting her ability. Very strong early-game if you have a lot of Dark Energy, but loses potential as you gain more cards.

Pic 3: Fluttershy?
This is one of the more humorous cards in the collection, and is extremely powerful. A bit overpowered, however Fluttershy? can be outmatched slightly if you upgrade to Flutterguy and then Gala Fluttershy instead. Still, a force to be reckoned with.

Pics 4-7: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well (all forms)
TMMDW is one of the most robust card sets in the game. Immediately interchangeable, having multiple types of TMMDW in your deck at once increases you options dramatically. On the other side of the fence, however, each card is very useful only in specific changes. Switch to the wrong Mare, and you can find yourself in quite a pickle.

(Full set of Ponymon Cards can be found here:

Goodnight, everypony, and see you in the morning!

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