Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Morning Brony (5/26/2012)

Morning, guys!

Chapter 4 of Everlasting Paradise is coming along swimmingly, but it's not going to be the big storyline reveal that I thought it was going to be. It's most likely going to build tensions for Chapter 5, while introducing the main characters to the rest of Ponyville via a Pinkie Party. I think it's turning out even better than the previous chapters have.

On a side note, I'd like to start posting videos during the Morning Brony posts, since I don't have time for The Morning Applejack anymore. So, have some Morning Music:

Well, back to my fanfic! Have a nice day, you guys!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Mid-Afternoon Brony (5/25/2012)

I decked out the blog in a new style. How do you like it?

I also pulled together a quick header. It doesn't match the background, so I may change it. Thanks to paradise-wonder for the base image I used to make it.

Without further ado, LETS GET SOME PONIES IN HERE!

Why do I keep finding all of these badass Derpy pics? Is it a thing now? Anyway... I like how the wings and the tail are a bit bigger than normal, it adds to the feel of the picture. My only problem is that Derpy's ear seems to pop right out of some of her hair strands, cutting them off. Still, I really liked what they did with Derpy. Nice job.

 Adventure Time ponies? Adventure Time ponies. I can't seem to wrap my head around a pegasus vampire. Especially the fangs. Another thing that catches my eye in this picture is the Adventure Time-style eyes, which are incredibly small compared to the standard MLP style. This would certainly make an interesting crossover. I wonder what Jake would be? Maybe he would just stay the same, considering the circumstances...

What's this? Humans? I thought I got rid of them all already...
Oh, no, wait, it's pony-humans. That's okay.
I love Spike's expression in this. He's kind of like, "What the heck is wrong with you now?" Actually, now that I think about it, this strikingly resembles that one part of, only with humans. hmm...

I usually try to avoid images that have been recently posted on EQD, but since the Scootaloo descendant in my RP has a robotic eye, I found it hard to pass up. Gotta love cyborgs.

I'm going to not relate this to any one character, since I know this is a specific reference and I don't want to annoy anypony. Rarity looks great in this, though.

Alrighty guys, that's gonna be all for today. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weekend Joy and Scheduling


That means fanfic updates and blog posts for you guys, plus I get to play more Torchlight! It's a win all around!

Also, since I'm kind of bored right now and have nowhere to post this, I have a completely pointless schedule of my daily life.

3-5:30 A.M.: Wake up
5:30-6 A.M.: Shower
6-6:30 A.M.: Computer time* (Youtube, Video Games, EQD posts, Facebook)
6:30-6:50 A.M: Getting ready for school
6:50-3:30: SCHOOL
3:30-5:30 P.M.: Computer time*
5:30-6:30 P.M.: Dinner
6:30-8 P.M.: Homework/Computer time*/Work time**
8-8:50 P.M.: Work time**
8:50-9:00 P.M.: Forced to go to bed
9:00-10:30 P.M.: Pointless phone activities, followed by sleep.
10:30-3 A.M.: SLEEP

* "computer time" is anything on the computer that I do to wind down after a long day. Video games, youtube, music, EQD posts, facebook, etc. Unfortunately, computer time is almost always replaced by school projects.
** "work time" is anything on the computer that I feel I have an obligation to work hard on. This blog, fanfic updates, my facebook page, Roleplaying, etc.

And, because I feel really bad about having no time to post anymore, have a few obligatory unrelated pics.

This is what happens whenever I play video games with my brother.

 Truth be told, I uploaded this so I wouldn't feel like it was staring at me anymore. Those piercing eyes...

Badass Kingdom Hearts Inkie Pie? Sign me up.

Alrighty, guys, I think that's it. Have a good day!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Midnight Brony (5/23/2012)

Hey guys, last-minute post here.

Have some pony!

I find this hilarious, especially what's written on the scrolls.

Wild-hair Princesses are best Princesses. My hair tends to look more like Luna's in this picture.

 Thank goodness, New Fluttershy was subdued before this episode. Cerberus was actually pretty cute...

Unfortunately, that's all for tonight. I really need to get somebody to help me with this...

Have a good sleep you guys!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


This is what I feel like right now. For whatever reason, teachers love to pile all the homework, tests, and random projects right near the end of the year.


Thus, i'm going to be a bit slower than usual as far as posts go. I hope you guys can understand.

EDIT: Still doing projects... My brain hurts...

Also, on the day of this edit, it's Sibsy's birthday! Happy birthday, Sibsy!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Brony Hater Rant

Somewhere along the line, Anti-bronies decided that instead of waiting for us to come to them, they should come and find us themselves. And so they did.
But then, after flinging themselves deep into the ponynet, they stand up, dust themselves off, and proceed to hate on us as if they were going on a rant on a regular website.
On our side of the internet. In plain sight. Against hundreds, if not thousands, of bronies.

...and how, may I ask, is this a strategy?

In war, a spy going into enemy territory doesn't immediately reveal themselves to be on the other side, do they? So why do it in this case? It quite frankly makes no sense. On top of that, most of the regular arguments they use aren't relevant in bronyspace. "Don't spam all our websites with pony cra-" oh, wait. "You're all just trolling us-" oh, wait, I'm the troll in this case. Darn.

I think that if haters want any slim chance of even trying to get at a brony, they should do it on their own sites, and not ours, don't you think?

Food for thought.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Morning Brony 5/16/2012

Once again, sorry for not posting as often as I would've liked. I had a research paper that I had to finish by today.

What was Twilight's Mom's name again? Star-something? Nevermind that, because CUTENESS!
Hey, I resent this. I view Ponies kind of like how other people view salt -- just add ponies and everything tastes better. Or maybe my brain isn't completely ponified yet. Meh.

  Is this Twilight's Mom again? She has a similar cutie mark. Nah, it couldn't be...
This is just plain awesome. Possible scene in Season 3, anypony?

Well, that's it for now. See you tonight!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Midnight Brony 5/9/2012

Sorry about the not posting lately, things have been hectic around here as always.

With that, have some ponies.

This image would've been epic, even without the animation. The fact that it IS animated increases the coolness by far more than 20%.

d'aww, Derpy is so cute... 
 One, I want those headphones that Octavia is wearing. Two, this is amazing. I want to say that this should be canon, but I'm not sure what the consequences would be...
Alright, admit it. You all want this to happen in some form or another. Even better would be becoming a pony and going to Equestria, but if not that then this.
I really should finish that fanfic. Unfortunately school, a blog, my own fanfic and an RP group come first. *sigh...*
I understand why people like Chrysalis as a villain, I really do. But while a new villain is always fun to work with, the sheer amount of Chrysalis art stifled EQD's Drawfriend posts for a couple of weeks. She's a great villain, and has the highest chance of returning later, but I feel like she took the spotlight for a bit too long. Besides, Discord (or somebody voiced by the same person) is coming in season 3, so we should focus on that.

I want to say this is a Super Saiyan RD, but then again it's probably something completely different. It's still incredibly badass, though.

And, that's all for tonight! See you guys tomorrow!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Getting a Partner?

I was thinking of getting a partner to help me run the blog. You know, late night studying/writing, don't have time for a blog post, have somebody come on and do one real quick. We could even split it, say I do The Midnight Brony and they do The Morning Brony. Or, I could come up with a whole new section that they could do.

Then again, I'm doing perfectly fine with just myself, so there's no real need for another blogger here. Although, it would be kind of nice to have some nights off.

The real problem is, the only person I trust enough to do the job doesn't have any pony pics... and I have no convenient way of sending him 10,000 pictures at once. Hmm...

The Morning Brony (5/5/2012)

Gooooooood morning, everypony! I hope you slept well!

Time for random updates on stuff that i'm doing!


First off, I've added a few new chapters to Everlasting Paradise, so go check that out here:

In other news, I've become completely addicted to the DS game "The World Ends With You." It's like Kingdom Hearts, except it's not covered in Disney references and has an amazing soundtrack.

Oh, I've also joined Ponychan. As usual, you can find me under the name "Spark of Friendship." I tend to post on the /oat/ and /pic/ boards the most.

I donated $15 to the Seeds of Kindness charity! You can find that here:

That's all for today! See you tonight!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Midnight Brony (5/4/2012)

Happy Star Wars day, everybody, and May the Fourth be with you!

You have no idea how much that was shoved in my face today. NO. IDEA.

Thus, tonight's post will have absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars, so you don't have to go through the same crap I did. You're welcome.

For some strange reason, Bon Bon has all of the cutest filly pics. In other news, D'AWW!

I'm not sure if I would react more like Celestia or Luna. Considering I steer clear of any and all horror movies, I have no idea. Most likely Celestia.

The "Twilight as a gun" images are almost as badass as the Metal Gear Twilight stuff that came out in droves after It's About Time, only people have 4-6 months to make them before a new episode airs. It's going to be a fun summer break.

Not sure if Appledash or just a really cute pic. I'm hoping for the latter, because this is a really great image. Only one problem -- Dash's wings appear to be missing. Shouldn't they be at her sides or splayed out behind her? Still though, it's a great pic.

SO MUCH DISCORD X CHRYSALIS SHIPPING! Seriously, I keep finding these things everywhere. I'm thinking "Chrysacord," or maybe "Dischrys"? I have no idea, I don't come up with these things.

And, finally, we have the greatest video game rating in existence. This should be put on box art, seriously. Sorry for crappy quality, blame Facebook.

Well, have a good night's sleep, and see you in the morning! Bye!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Pinkie's Birthday! (5/3/2012)


Tonight's post is dedicated to the one, the only, the pinkest, the Pinkie Pie.

Well, have a good night's sleep, and happy birthday Pinkie!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Midnight Brony Facebook Links

Hey, everypony. During the break I pulled together some Facebook stuff.

First of all, I have my Facebook wall; That's going to be where I dump most of the stuff I find.

Then, I have Princess Woona (Friendship is Magic), a Facebook page. I might rp, I might just talk about my problems. Either way, I tend to post less.

Finally, I joined Brony Chat. It's a really fun time, and everybody's nice to talk to. Check it out:

Well, have a good day!

The Midnight Brony (5/2/2012)

Hey guys! Gosh, it's been so long... I hardly remember how to do these anymore...

Anyway, have some PONIES!

Have some Ace Attorney Trixie. What's up with the "I'ts" though?

 I didn't quite grasp the awesomeness of the Party Cannon until the Season 2 finale. I almost died of squee when I saw it, though.

All my yes. I may put this as my Facebook cover.

Ask Hotblooded Pinkie Pie is one of my favorite tumblrs. I'm pretty sure this is from that, but with my image folder, you can never be sure...

Well, that's all for tonight. Have a good day, everypony!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Midnight Brony Summer Revival

Well, the sun is warm and the birds are chirping, and since things have been horrifically busy rather slow lately, I think I'll start the blog up again.

Thank you, for those of you who stuck with me through that time of hardship. I've reached the part of the fanfic that should be easiest to write, so I should be safe. By the time I get to another hard phase, it's going to be summer vacation.

Sweet, sweet summer vacation.

With that in mind, I have basically doubled the number of pics on my computer since the sabbatical. Have some ponies, everyone.

I'm liking this idea. Although, Fluttershy would probably get really nervous... Oh wait, she did modelling. She'll be fine.

Filly Pinkie is so cute... :3

Did anyone else love Fluttershy's hat from that Green Isn't Your Color? I know I did.

Goodness, this post is rather Flutter-centric. Anyway, my favorite Pokemon and one of my favorite ponies.

 It it just me, or did Applejack have more freckles as a filly? ...And where does she get her hats from? She can't be wearing the same sized hat, she has to get them from somewhere.

Well, that's all for tonight. Have a good morning, everypony!