Friday, May 18, 2012

Brony Hater Rant

Somewhere along the line, Anti-bronies decided that instead of waiting for us to come to them, they should come and find us themselves. And so they did.
But then, after flinging themselves deep into the ponynet, they stand up, dust themselves off, and proceed to hate on us as if they were going on a rant on a regular website.
On our side of the internet. In plain sight. Against hundreds, if not thousands, of bronies.

...and how, may I ask, is this a strategy?

In war, a spy going into enemy territory doesn't immediately reveal themselves to be on the other side, do they? So why do it in this case? It quite frankly makes no sense. On top of that, most of the regular arguments they use aren't relevant in bronyspace. "Don't spam all our websites with pony cra-" oh, wait. "You're all just trolling us-" oh, wait, I'm the troll in this case. Darn.

I think that if haters want any slim chance of even trying to get at a brony, they should do it on their own sites, and not ours, don't you think?

Food for thought.

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