Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Midnight Brony 5/9/2012

Sorry about the not posting lately, things have been hectic around here as always.

With that, have some ponies.

This image would've been epic, even without the animation. The fact that it IS animated increases the coolness by far more than 20%.

d'aww, Derpy is so cute... 
 One, I want those headphones that Octavia is wearing. Two, this is amazing. I want to say that this should be canon, but I'm not sure what the consequences would be...
Alright, admit it. You all want this to happen in some form or another. Even better would be becoming a pony and going to Equestria, but if not that then this.
I really should finish that fanfic. Unfortunately school, a blog, my own fanfic and an RP group come first. *sigh...*
I understand why people like Chrysalis as a villain, I really do. But while a new villain is always fun to work with, the sheer amount of Chrysalis art stifled EQD's Drawfriend posts for a couple of weeks. She's a great villain, and has the highest chance of returning later, but I feel like she took the spotlight for a bit too long. Besides, Discord (or somebody voiced by the same person) is coming in season 3, so we should focus on that.

I want to say this is a Super Saiyan RD, but then again it's probably something completely different. It's still incredibly badass, though.

And, that's all for tonight! See you guys tomorrow!

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