Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Midnight Brony Summer Revival

Well, the sun is warm and the birds are chirping, and since things have been horrifically busy rather slow lately, I think I'll start the blog up again.

Thank you, for those of you who stuck with me through that time of hardship. I've reached the part of the fanfic that should be easiest to write, so I should be safe. By the time I get to another hard phase, it's going to be summer vacation.

Sweet, sweet summer vacation.

With that in mind, I have basically doubled the number of pics on my computer since the sabbatical. Have some ponies, everyone.

I'm liking this idea. Although, Fluttershy would probably get really nervous... Oh wait, she did modelling. She'll be fine.

Filly Pinkie is so cute... :3

Did anyone else love Fluttershy's hat from that Green Isn't Your Color? I know I did.

Goodness, this post is rather Flutter-centric. Anyway, my favorite Pokemon and one of my favorite ponies.

 It it just me, or did Applejack have more freckles as a filly? ...And where does she get her hats from? She can't be wearing the same sized hat, she has to get them from somewhere.

Well, that's all for tonight. Have a good morning, everypony!

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