Friday, May 25, 2012

The Mid-Afternoon Brony (5/25/2012)

I decked out the blog in a new style. How do you like it?

I also pulled together a quick header. It doesn't match the background, so I may change it. Thanks to paradise-wonder for the base image I used to make it.

Without further ado, LETS GET SOME PONIES IN HERE!

Why do I keep finding all of these badass Derpy pics? Is it a thing now? Anyway... I like how the wings and the tail are a bit bigger than normal, it adds to the feel of the picture. My only problem is that Derpy's ear seems to pop right out of some of her hair strands, cutting them off. Still, I really liked what they did with Derpy. Nice job.

 Adventure Time ponies? Adventure Time ponies. I can't seem to wrap my head around a pegasus vampire. Especially the fangs. Another thing that catches my eye in this picture is the Adventure Time-style eyes, which are incredibly small compared to the standard MLP style. This would certainly make an interesting crossover. I wonder what Jake would be? Maybe he would just stay the same, considering the circumstances...

What's this? Humans? I thought I got rid of them all already...
Oh, no, wait, it's pony-humans. That's okay.
I love Spike's expression in this. He's kind of like, "What the heck is wrong with you now?" Actually, now that I think about it, this strikingly resembles that one part of, only with humans. hmm...

I usually try to avoid images that have been recently posted on EQD, but since the Scootaloo descendant in my RP has a robotic eye, I found it hard to pass up. Gotta love cyborgs.

I'm going to not relate this to any one character, since I know this is a specific reference and I don't want to annoy anypony. Rarity looks great in this, though.

Alrighty guys, that's gonna be all for today. See you tomorrow!

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