Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Morning Brony (5/5/2012)

Gooooooood morning, everypony! I hope you slept well!

Time for random updates on stuff that i'm doing!


First off, I've added a few new chapters to Everlasting Paradise, so go check that out here:

In other news, I've become completely addicted to the DS game "The World Ends With You." It's like Kingdom Hearts, except it's not covered in Disney references and has an amazing soundtrack.

Oh, I've also joined Ponychan. As usual, you can find me under the name "Spark of Friendship." I tend to post on the /oat/ and /pic/ boards the most.

I donated $15 to the Seeds of Kindness charity! You can find that here:

That's all for today! See you tonight!

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