Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Morning Brony

Good morning everypony. I'm leaving for my vacation in just a couple of hours, so i'll make this quick.

First of all, I found a really inspirational speech this morning on facebook from an admin of the Real Men Watch My Little Pony page going by the name of Sprocket:

"The fandom is jam packed with stories of how My Little Pony inspired people to get their lives together. I've been thinking about this. It's not that My Little Pony transforms bad people into good people. It doesn't. How many of us were really all that bad before ponies came into our lives? Not many. 

That's because almost everyone wants to be a good person, and tries very hard, in their own way, to be one. The real difference is that MLP makes goodness easier.

Pony is such a good feeling that you don't want it to end after 22 minutes. You want to take it with you where ever you go! I can't speak for all bronies, but I know that, for me personally, My Little Pony made goodness FUN - actually fun, because it meant that I could get that pony feel whenever I wanted.

Good deeds earn you mega badass points that make you feel turbo charged with ponyjoy, like you've got all six Elements of Harmony strapped to your person at once. There's a pride in that. A pride in "living pony." That's why MLP helps so many people to better themselves. Not because it transforms bad people into good people, or even good people into great people.

My Little Pony makes us see the greatness in ourselves. Sometimes all it takes is just a little taste of that greatness to set you on the right course.

Sometimes it starts with something as simple and as pure as a smile.


While that speech sinks in, listen to this song:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Going on Vacation

I'm leaving for a cabin tomorrow. The general plan of the trip is to be more separated from technology, but I'm going to work on my fanfic quite a bit. I might also be able to make blog posts, but I doubt it. I'm going to be there for an entire week.

Speaking of the fanfic, Chapter 5 is almost finished. It just needs a few more paragraphs and some minor tweaks.

Have a good time!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/17/2012)

Ugh. My parents seem bent on making me spend less time on my computer. Which means I now have even less time to write or post.

Thanks, guys.

Have some ponies!

Derpy! Whatever her eyes do, she's still cute!

...And some Apple Cobbler! At least, I think it's Apple Cobbler... Quite honestly, I thought she had a different cutie mark. A side effect of no new ponies for two months, I think.

This is how I imagine the (inevitable) scene where Scootaloo learns how to fly. It would be all dramatic, with William Anderson making this incredible background track...

Oh, sorry. I should continue now.

Bass cannon? Bass cannon. I keep seeing this thing everywhere in Vinyl Scratch pics now. I believe it is the new fanon.

Spike, I think you need to drop the facial hair. Rarity likes guys with clean chins.

Unfortunately, this is all I have time for. Have a good night, everypony!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/14/2012) Dragonshy Compilation Post

Good evening, everypony!

Tonight, in recognition of some AMAZING Season 3 spoilers, I'm doing a Dragonshy/Flutterdragon-only post.

Here we go! ( This is going to be very last-minute. I'll add captions in the morning. Silly parents. )

I like this pic because it kept the general Fluttershy shape, and didn't simply draw a fluttershy-colored dragon. I wonder... what would a pony's reaction be to having claws? similar to a human's reaction to having hooves, I suppose...
This is the cover of a really nice Flutterdragon fic I read a while back. The artist went for a more serpentine dragon feel in this pic, and it fit well.
Baby Flutterdragon, aka Spikeshy. Looks like a recolor of some of those R63 Spike pics I've found.
And now, an adult Flutterdragon. This one is a recolor of the Red Dragon from Dragonshy (the episode). Not much to say about it...
This one is a tad dis-proportioned, but I like it. The wing skin seem to be attached to her sides...
If Fluttershy was Flutterdragon the entire series... That would be INTERESTING.
Standard dragon style, with Fluttershy-like features. Nice sketch.
There are so many different dragon styles here, I love it! This one has a long, thin tail, with the wings attached all the way down the spine.
Now, this pic is really interesting. It goes with a very unorthodox dragon style, retaining the hooves, hair, and feathered wings while still adding dragon features. This is my favorite of the bunch.

This concludes the Dragonshy post! I used to be into dragons before ponies, so I have a bit more experience  than with some of the other creatures in the MLP universe, like Manticores. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Midnight Brony 7/12/2012

EDIT: This was meant to be posted but it didn't go through.

No post yesterday due to technical difficulties. sorry 'bout that.

Chapter 5 has also pushed through my writers block, and is now moving quite quickly. I expect it to be done by the end of the weekend, if I'm lucky.

Oh, and I found Source Filmmaker. Maybe I can get some Gmod Pony models in there and do some video making!

Speaking of video making, I've been playing Tekkit quite a bit and I'm thinking of making some videos of it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Yogscast playing it, I swear!

With all that news out of the way, it's about time we get some ponies in here.

Gosh, that figure is scary thin. To each his own art style, I suppose. The armor looks more ornate than practical, though.

My life needs more Octavia. Order, sophistication, witty banter... I need more of it. Especially when it comes to writing fanfics.

Oh look, anthro. Why did I download this again?
Oh right, it was AMAZING! Love the hair, Rarity.

There should be a Minecraft mod just to make the creepers say "Foreeeveeeeer". Then we'd couple it with the Mine Little Pony mod and go crazy.
With ponies, of course.

I've never played League of Legends. I tried Heroes of Newerth, but I sucked at it. I wonder if I would like this game any better...

Have a good night, everypony!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Working On The Cover For Everlasting Paradise

The title. Read it.

EDIT 1: Here's a sketch preview before I do the vector.

This is Argent, in filly form, at the current point in the story.

Yes, she's an Alicorn. YES, I totally broke the first rule of OC stories. However, she can't fly, and her power comes from... well, I won't spoil that yet, but the power isn't exactly her's. You'll find out when I finish Chapter Five. Someday. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/10/2012)

EDIT: it seems that these pics are bugging out. Oh well, I tried!

Good evening, everypony!

I'm going to try out the Random Facebook Image Night idea that I had yesterday.

Here we go. We will start with the most current pony picture on my newsfeed and go from there.

Ah, the standard Trollestia pic. I don't want to know what she does to the poor saps who just say "yes."
C-c-cute! There's not much to say here besides that, but these resemble the standard three humanized Fluttershy outfits pretty well.

4Chan Pony. He/she/it continues to find his/her/its way onto my newsfeed. Please, 4Chan pony, leave me alone.

And here's more cute Fluttershy, in Pony form this time! I notice her stomach is a big big in this pic, but the hair looks nice.

Cloudchaser and... and... her friend! I swear, Cloudchaser got aaaall the great art and... her friend didn't get any recognition. In fact, now that I look at her, she looks suspiciously like a Fluttershy recolor.

The Ponies in Wedding Dresses meme was popular for a while, but I still think that they all rivaled Fluttershy's cuteness level. I didn't say they surpassed her level, just rivaled it.

Is it that time already? I'm afraid I have to leave. Have a good night's sleep, everypony! See you in the morning!

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Post Idea?

I was thinking that if I was low on time, I could post a collection of the most recent ten or so facebook pony images that I find on my newsfeed. I would avoid nsfw pics.

So, what do you guys think? Should I do some commentary on split-second facebook images?

The Midnight Brony (7/9/2012)

Two back-to-back posts are almost unheard of on this blog. Good thing I decided to actually remember to post tonight.

Lyra would make a perfect Link. The clothing makes me wonder though... How does Lyra/Link hold all those tools and weapons?

I think that Pony Joe/Donut Joe is just a really nice guy with a love for sweet circular desserts. I can totally see this happening as canon, which is what makes this picture so good in my eyes.

Bad quality is bad. I almost want to find this meme, just to see all of the captions. The sad pony is going to make me depressed if I see too many, though...

There are just a few too many comics about Derpy getting her eyes fixed, followed by her freaking out. I'm not sure if it's just a thing, or if it's a general headcanon... hmm...

Vinyl Scratch is always awesome. Seeing her eyes is even better. Ponies with guns is also awesome. The awesomeness of this picture is leaving me breathless.

I'm positive this is a reference to something. I just can't put my hoof on it. Oh, and this picture is amazing. It really looks like a pony that could be a part of the mlp universe.

Unfortunately, I'm running a bit behind schedule, so I'll have to end it here. Have a good sleep, everypony!

Well, unless you're camping on EQD, looking for an elusive first comment slot at two in the morning.

Dang speed-typers...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/8/2012)

Once again, sorry for neglecting the internet for a while, the recent streak of heat waves has left me with little to no work ethic.

Here, have this post before I go to bed. Because I'm so sleepy, I'm picking a lot of cute pics tonight.

D'aww, Chrome is so cute... In fact, I've begun using Chrome rather than Firefox due to a large selection of free apps. Eat your heart out, Apple.

No, not you, Applejack.

I kind of want those butterfly headphones. Then again, I also want those Vinyl Scratch headphones...

Either way, Lyra and Bon Bon tend to get a lot of cute pics. The headphones really make this pic for me.

The Queen of Cuteness is Young Granny Smith.

Well, at least in her time. Now it's Fluttershy's title.

Well, speak of the- D'aww...

Why a Pokeball? Why not a Pokeball?! Surprise is sooo cute!

No, Pinkie! Not the Flutter-juice! I-I can't take it... I... I...


Oh, my eyes... I think the cuteness made them implode... Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow! G'night!