Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/10/2012)

EDIT: it seems that these pics are bugging out. Oh well, I tried!

Good evening, everypony!

I'm going to try out the Random Facebook Image Night idea that I had yesterday.

Here we go. We will start with the most current pony picture on my newsfeed and go from there.

Ah, the standard Trollestia pic. I don't want to know what she does to the poor saps who just say "yes."
C-c-cute! There's not much to say here besides that, but these resemble the standard three humanized Fluttershy outfits pretty well.

4Chan Pony. He/she/it continues to find his/her/its way onto my newsfeed. Please, 4Chan pony, leave me alone.

And here's more cute Fluttershy, in Pony form this time! I notice her stomach is a big big in this pic, but the hair looks nice.

Cloudchaser and... and... her friend! I swear, Cloudchaser got aaaall the great art and... her friend didn't get any recognition. In fact, now that I look at her, she looks suspiciously like a Fluttershy recolor.

The Ponies in Wedding Dresses meme was popular for a while, but I still think that they all rivaled Fluttershy's cuteness level. I didn't say they surpassed her level, just rivaled it.

Is it that time already? I'm afraid I have to leave. Have a good night's sleep, everypony! See you in the morning!

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