Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Midnight Brony (7/17/2012)

Ugh. My parents seem bent on making me spend less time on my computer. Which means I now have even less time to write or post.

Thanks, guys.

Have some ponies!

Derpy! Whatever her eyes do, she's still cute!

...And some Apple Cobbler! At least, I think it's Apple Cobbler... Quite honestly, I thought she had a different cutie mark. A side effect of no new ponies for two months, I think.

This is how I imagine the (inevitable) scene where Scootaloo learns how to fly. It would be all dramatic, with William Anderson making this incredible background track...

Oh, sorry. I should continue now.

Bass cannon? Bass cannon. I keep seeing this thing everywhere in Vinyl Scratch pics now. I believe it is the new fanon.

Spike, I think you need to drop the facial hair. Rarity likes guys with clean chins.

Unfortunately, this is all I have time for. Have a good night, everypony!

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