Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Pictures That I Never Knew Existed! (6/13/2012)

Good evening, everypony!

I'm not sure how I have time to make this, but I did. Have some pony!

While this is an amazing picture, this disembodied head creeps me out a bit. If I block that out and look at the rest of the picture, though, it looks really nice.

OBJECTION! I've never actually played an Ace Attorney game, but I've watched someone else play one and they look like great fun. I seriously doubt I'd be able to figure out any of the puzzles, though. I'm more of an internet-blogging-fanfic-youtube guy.

 What is this... I don't even... Really? These two HATE each other with a vengeance! How is there...? Why did they...? Wait. Why is this even in my pictures folder?! *Glares suspiciously at Discord*

 Oh sweet Celestia, I love crossovers...

*gasp* Portal?! YES! I don't really have much to say about this, actually, except that Chell makes a... really good pony. *avoids comment about how cute pony Chell is*

LIKE A LUNA SIR. I have the nagging feeling that this might be a repost, but I'm too busy lurking on Clousdale to check... Hmm...

Yet another picture that I had no idea existed in my pictures folder... I really need to have a better filing system for these besides "shove them all in the same folder and scroll a lot".

WHERE ARE ALL OF THESE COMING FROM?! *ahem* I love the contrast between the feathers and the eyes.  It also seriously reminds me of one of my friends' OC's. I'm showing this to him.

Okay, this is just weird. I seriously don't remember downloading any of these. *shakes laptop* Also, nice line effect around Pinkie.

How... How did these... What are they... Why are they even... *sigh...* Yet another gryphon that may very well qualify for my friend's OC. I shall send this one too him as well, I guess. Love the spots.

Well, this post was just plain weird.  Anyway, have a good night! Maybe I just need some sleep to un-scramble my brain...

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