Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Morning Brony (6/13/2012)

Ugh... Good Morning.

After the Bronycon livestream until like 10:30 at night, I'm pretty wiped. (I usually go to bed early and wake up at like 4, so it's an effort for me to stay up that late.)

I also haven't had any time to make any videos OR work on Everlasting Paradise since summer school, being forced to spend time with friends and family, and a whole slew of other activities that my parents have brought upon me.

See, my parents seem to think that I have nothing to do over the summer, so they give me a bunch of things that I need to do. Unfortunately, that spare time is what fuels the fanfic and the videos, so I'm slowly getting more and more aggravated about summer school. I just got out of school, I don't want to go back in!

*sigh...* sorry about that. Let's have some Morning Music, shall we?

Yay, acoustic! I just love the feel of this song. It's a lot lighter than a lot of the other stuff I listen too, so it's a welcome relief from all the pop, dubstep and rock that runs freely through my Favorites list.

In other news, I'm seriously thinking about re-starting The Morning Applejack segments. I know, as if I didn't have time already... I'll work it out, somehow.

Well, that's about it for now, have a good day!

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