Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Midnight Brony (6/17/2012)

Well, it's back to summer school tomorrow... Somehow, I feel like I'm going to have even less time than last week. The good news is, there's a perfect time slot for me to record youtube videos in between the time when I get home and my brother gets home.

Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get some ponies in here!

I realized that my original OC was incredibly OP, so I redid him as Amber Spark, a unicorn with a knack for fixing and making machines and technology. I also made an OC for an anti-brony friend of mine, for no reason except I was incredibly bored that day. We had a bit of a rivalry going all school year, and the ponysona I gave him was Minty Hooves. He wasn't too much of a hater until he discovered Cloppers. Oh, all the stereotyping...

I might use this as my new Youtube video opening pic if my dad records with me. We fit the Applejack and Big Mac parts pretty well.

Personally, Fluttershy's Gala dress was my favorite. Pinkie's is still amazing, though.

I'm not sure why Fluttershy is wearing a dress, or why a human is involved, but I think this had something to do with the Brony Chat group on Facebook. Hmm...

More Pinkie Pie being cute! She definitely deserves more cute pics, along with Twilight. I usually see the other Mane 6 in pics like these.

This picture fills me with the strangest combination of sad sympathy and bitter happiness. I want to cry, but I also feel like laughing in spite. I need to vent some hate guys, I think I'm having a Love and Tolerance overload...

Deoxys pony? sure, why not?! There have been weirder crossovers.

What's that? I have to sleep? *sigh...* Fiiine, I'll sleep. So much for a long post... Goodnight, everypony!

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