Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Morning Brony (6/21/2012)

Emergency post from a library time!

So, yeah, I'm going to be volunteering at a library as of next week. That means less time for posts, but it is a requirement for high school graduation, so it's unavoidable.

I have already started work on Chapter 5 of Everlasting Paradise, and as I expected it is going much faster than the previous chapter. Expect it done in a week or so.

Speaking of Chapter 5, it's the big reveal for the rest of the story, and answers the question of why Argent is in Equestria, anyway. Without spoiling anything, it involves technology. A LOT of technology.

Well, you'll have to read it to find out.

Have some Morning Music!

I really don't have that much time to talk, so I have to go. See you later!

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