Monday, June 11, 2012

The Morning Brony (6/11/2012)

Good morning, everypony. *yawn...*

I have summer school on the weekdays for an hour or two every morning, so my posts haven't been as frequent as i'd have liked. I'm also trying to focus more on my Youtube channel and fanfic.

On that note, I have a few new videos out this morning, which you can find here (minecraft custom map) and here. (Lone Survivor part 1) These videos are in craptastic 480p, as opposed to my usual 1080p, due to the fact that my videos had begun to back up on my drive and I needed to get them all uploaded. I am probably never doing that Minecraft map again.

So, let's have some Morning Music.

Yeah, I know the song isn't directly pony-related, but the PMV was so great I just couldn't pass it up. I've had this on loop for a few days now.

Chapter 4 is almost done as well, for those of you following the fanfic updates. I hope to have it done by the end of today.

Have a good day, everypony!

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