Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fanfic Updates #2

Fanfic Status: Accepted

*epic fistpump*

I know that it was kinda a really simple challenge of following the submission rules, but it feels good...

Fanfic Updates #1

I just submitted "Everlasting Paradise" to the FIMFiction.net moderators! I'm stuck between complete terror and great joy. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Facebook Page!

hey guys. I've been really out of it lately, juggling two fanfics while doing schoolwork, trying to catch up on an anime... It's been pretty hectic.

Anyway, I managed to set up a facebook page when nopony was looking. Have fun!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Midnight Brony: A Temporary Solution

As you know, I haven't been able to do too many blogposts lately. The reason is that I'm writing a fanfic. Now, that probably sounds like a pretty dumb reason to not post, right?

Now, what you don't realize is that it's not just the fanfic. I also have school Monday-Friday, as well as whatever homework I get. So I basically only have time to do blogposts at night. (Hence, "The Midnight Brony.") Now, this was okay before, when I had 3000 pics on my phone that I could use on a whim. Now I'm down to a mere 1,300 or so due to iTunes not syncing right, and most of them have been used on the blog before. There's also the issue of the daily topic, where I need to have a specific type of pony picture. So now I'm spending 30 minutes finding pictures, then 30 minutes (roughly) to pull together the full blog post. Add the ~8 hours I spend at school most days. Add another 8 hours for a decent sleep. That's ~17 hours. Then, we have to factor in the fanfic.

The fanfic was going to be a "whenever I feel like it" sort of side project on Google Docs. Then I thought that it would be a good idea to publish it, just to get the feedback. So I signed up for an account on FIMfiction.net. I re-wrote the prologue that I had on G.D., and saved it. I read it. I read it again. And it hit me that the fanfic could actually turn out... Nice. It could be a decent achievement in the Brony community. It's not going to be the next Fallout: Equestria or anything, but i think it could, with time, become a sizable project. And so, I began devoting all of my precious spare time to writing "Everlasting Paradise."

It was this, combined with a need for a healthy sleep pattern and the photo shortage, that I began canceling more and more blogposts.

Thus, I have come up with a solution.

Monday-Friday I'll do temporary "whatever I feel like" photo posts. Saturday & Sunday will be Wacky Wednesday-style random-topic posts. Hopefully, once I get the fanfic going a bit more smoothly, I'll have time to do the regular themed posts.

And since I don't want to leave you with only a wall of text, have a photo.

The Early Morning Brony (3/20/12)

Well, it's 4:50 right now. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to wake up now. So tired...

Anyway, sorry about the missing post last night, stayed up till ten typing away at a fanfic chapter. (I really, REALLY picked a bad day to wake up so early.)

In other news, Equestria Daily has proposed the idea of making synthetic MLP episodes over the summer break, to which I could only stare at my computer in awe and wonder as rainbows began shooting out of the screen. I just hope I can give support to them.

I've had quite a bit of trouble connecting to iBrony this morning. Did the server go down? Did I get banned for some obscure reason? Idk, but whatever it is I can't connect.

Well, I'm all out of ideas, so have a random picture.

Have a good day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Afternoon Brony: "Everlasting Paradise" Prologue


I somehow managed to pull together a prologue for this story. I think it turned out pretty well.

Have a link: http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/49668

Anyway, back to brainstorming...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Spoof Sunday (3/18/12)

Have some random crossovers!

Pic 1: My Little Kirby

Have some Kirby crossover! Definitely shows a bit of the personality of each character. I like the little details, like the cutie marks on their, er... feet.Yeah.

Pic 2: Pandarin OC

Wow, a pony OC for a World of Warcraft race that doesn't exist yet. That's new. I like the little skulls in the magic aura, as well as the detail on the armor. Very nice.

Well, that's pretty much all for tonight. Still working on the fanfic, so see you tomorrow!

The Morning Brony (3/18/12)

Good morning, everypony!

I've signed up for FIMfiction.net under the username Spark_of_Friendship. That's where i'll eventually upload my fanfic, "Eternal Paradise." Yay!

In other news, today's Spoof Sunday crossover is Metal Gear Solid x MLP. Expect LOTS of future twilight.

Well, that's basically all for now... I should really get back to my fanfic. Have a good day!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Sketch Saturday (3/17/12)

Have a creepy Fluttershy sketch! (not by me!)

Geez, I wish I could draw like that... Very nice shading. (especially for a sketch.) The eye and mouth are especially well done. The wings look a little to big for an mlp pegasus, but each to their own art style, i guess.

Well, have a good night!

The Morning Brony 3/17/12

Good morning, everypony!

It's Sketch Saturday, so you can expect a sketch tonight...

...I think...

Anyway, it's been a pretty productive morning so far, as far as my fanfic is concerned. I've begun doing revisions on the first chapter, and I'll do the prologue sometime today. (Yeah, I write the first chapter BEFORE the prologue. So sue me.)
It's going pretty good, considering I've never written a fanfic before... It still needs a lot of work, though. I've made my character an Alicorn, for now... She's turned back into a unicorn later in the story, and even when she's an Alicorn she doesn't have much control over her powers. (Crap, I'm giving too much away, aren't I?) So, going on...

I also discovered the magical symphony that is the Aviators. Check them out here:

I've also joined iBrony. It kind of reminds me of Facebook, except it's for Bronies. Plus, there are achievements, which makes it a step above Facebook in my opinion. You can find me here:

Well, have a good day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Free Friday (3/16/12)

Iiiiiiit's Free Friday, everypony! Let's have some pics!

Pic 1: Lauren Faust Alicorn

I found this gem of a pic on Equestria Daily a day or two ago and in 10 minutes had made it my profile picture on Facebook.

Pic 2: Appletini

Another Facebook picture. Doesn't AJ look so cute lying in her hat? Dawww...

Pic 3: My Little Avengers

This was in today's Drawfriend Stuff on Equestria Daily. Gotta love Avengers crossovers. Nice use of lighting, with some great detail. I'd love to have that Pinkie expression as a profile pic. (Geez, when did this turn into my Facebook preferences?)

Well, that's all for tonight. See you in the morning!

McDonalds Applejack Toy (Very first pony figure!)

Finally, after many weeks of doing absolutely nothing but this blog and schoolwork, I got my hands on a pony figurine.

Sure, it might be a crappy McDonald's toy, and one of my friends might've found it covered in mud in the lunchroom, but it's still my very first bit of true Brony merchandise.

I took her home, cleaned her up, and even put her tail into the style of the show. (it's a bit sloppy, but I'm not exactly a hair stylist.)

My only big problem with the toy is the cutie mark. rather than the canon three apples on both sides, the figure has one huge apple on one flank only. I don't see how they managed to screw this up, since the brush/keychain loop that comes with it has the three apples on it. Of course, McDonald's has never really been known for it's toy quality, so it's okay.

Well, have a good day!

EDIT: added a pic.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Fanfic?

I've decided to take this Technical Thursday off so I can focus a bit better on the fanfic I've begun to write. I really don't know how it'll turn out nor if I'll finish at all, but it feels good to work on a big project, ya know?

Well, have a good night.

The Midnight Brony: Wacky Wednesday (Applejack; 3/14/12)

Have some Applejack!

Pic 1: AJ playing in the mud
While the snout is a little distracting, it's a great pic. Great shadows and crisp lines.

Pic 2: Sad Applejack
I really like the approaching storm in this pic. It goes along with AJ's expression and adds an element of mystery to the picture.

Pic 3: AJ and Dash
Nice, crisp lines. The background is a bit bland, but it fits with the pic nicely. Great expression.

Well, that's all for tonight. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Late-Afternoon Brony: Wacky Wednesday Theme

Oh wow, I was so focused on today's warm weather that I completely forgot about Wacky Wednesday! Um... uh...

Applejack! This week's Wacky Wednesday theme is Applejack.

Now, back to climbing trees.

Good Morning Applejack #8: The Pre-Interview

Have an ACTUAL facebook conversation! Yes, this did actually happen when I asked my friends about the interviews. I feel kinda bad about baiting him like that, but it was so funny at the time.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Midnight Brony #19: Too Cute Tuesday (3/13/12)

Have some cute pony, hot off the metaphorical Internet press!

Pic 1: AJ and Rarity
Rarity just doesn't fit with farm work. Applejack's obviously having fun with it.

Pic 2: Flower Derpy
Daww! It's the little rose that really makes this picture.

Pic 3: Fluttershy & Torchic
Ooh! I don't see much MLP-Pokémon crossovers usually! Great little pic, love the expressions.

Pic 4: RD and Twilight
I don't often find Winter-themed pics that often, either. A nice little tweak to the traditional art style.

Pic 5: Pinkie Pie
We managed to get the entire Mane 6 in tonight's post! I really like Pinkie's hair tie in this pic. It's done in a nice cutesy art style, too.

Well, thats all for tonight. Good Morning Applejack is all set up for tomorrow, too. See you then!

Good Morning Applejack #7: Interviews

As Applejack said, I'm doing interviews with my friends now. For better or worse, I guess...

Monday, March 12, 2012

100 Pageviews!

Hooray! 100 pageviews already!

Sadly, this is the most successful blog I've ever created... My other blogs never really got off the ground. They mostly consisted of me procrastinating blog posts with no set schedule and ranting about the toils of life*

*i.e. Dungeon Defenders and Vessel (good job if you get the reference!)

To celebrate this incredibly small accomplishment, we have Twilight clapping for us.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Midnight Brony #17: Spoof Sunday (3/11/12)

Good evening, everypony! It's going to be a pretty short post tonight, sorry.

Pic 1: Doctor Whooves
Nice crossover. I should really start watching that show...

Pic 2: Ponified Kimura
Again, I've never seen the show this is from, but a non-brony friend of mine got really angry when he saw it ponified, so it must be pretty good.

Good night, everypony! See you tomorrow!

Good Morning Applejack #6: A Sabbatical

Have a Good Morning Applejack, everypony!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Sketch Saturday (3/10/12)

This isn't actually my sketch, but I hope it suffices:

Nice Metal Gear Solid crossover... oh, wait, shouldn't I be saving this for tomorrow? oh well...

Have a good night!

The Morning Brony (3/10/12)

Good morning, everypony!

I think I can finally get another Good Morning Applejack done today. It's gonna feel good to get back to making comics.

In other news, iTunes is having way too much trouble porting my 2000 pictures onto my iPhone. I wonder why...?

Tonight is Sketch Saturday, but I don't have a sketch on me... *gulp* well, I guess I can throw one together in 12 hours. Can't be too hard.

Check out this awesome video!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftvZFUg4HPc&feature=related

Have a good day, y'all!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Midnight Brony #16: Free Friday (3/9/12)

Good evening! Have some random pony pics!

Pic 1: Future Twilight Sparkle
Wow. One sneak-peek trailer for the new episode and there's already art of Future Twilight. Niiiice...

Pic 2: You Don't Say?
I will forever use this.

Pic 3: Dungeons and Dragons
Please, please let them make a role playing game episode. That would.be amazing. I love how most of them switched races.

Pic 4: Luna Deal With It
Classic Luna-speak. Incredibly useful for Facebook.

Pic 5: RD Ninja
Very nice art. I'm going to add this to my background rotation...

Well, that's all for tonight. Have a good sleep, and see you in the morning!

The Morning Brony (3/9/12)

Good morning, everypony!

Sorry about Good Morning Applejack, guys, things have been a bit hectic around here.

Tonight is Free Friday, so expect some
random stuff.

Also, the first Spoof Sunday will be Doctor Whooves! Yay!

Well, that's of for now. Have a good day, everypony!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Midnight Brony #15: Technical Thursday (3/8/12)

Good evening, everypony! Time for some pictures.

Pic 1: Fluttershy
Very realistic. Shows the style of MLP as though it were real. I like the detail on the hair and the shine in Fluttershy's eyes.

Pic 2: Derpy Hooves
Again, very realistic. Nice hair and eyes, again. Makes Derpy look more feminine, which is admirable.

Pic 3: Mane 6 in a City
Loved the lighting in this one. Nice rainbow-trail behind Dash. I liked how each character had their own little scene playing out at once.

Well, that's all for tonight. See you in the morning, and sleep well!

The Midnight Brony: Wacky Wednesday: Steampunk! (3/8/12)

Have some Steedpunk!

Pic 1: Steampunk Doctor Hooves
I really like how the Doctor was presented in this picture. He looks calm and confident.

Pic 2: Steampunk Vinyl Scratch
What makes this image is the nearly seamless integration of Vinyl's modern spunk and Steampunk's Victorian-era clothing.

Pic 3: Steampunk Rainbow Dash
I love the lighting in this pic. Dash has some very nice expressions as well. The whole thing looks like a wistful and styled painting, and it looks beautiful.

Well, it appears I'm out of time. Goodnight, everypony, and I'll see you in the morning!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Morning Brony 3/7/12

Good morning, everypony!

This week's Wacky Wednesday theme is... Steampunk! Expect some Victorian flair to tonight's post!

I finally got the whole computer up and running, so some Good Morning Applejack's are on their way.

Well, that's about it for now. Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Too Cute Tuesday (3/6/12)

Despite many computer issues, I've managed to pull together Too Cute Tuesday. Unfortunately, the Good Morning Applejack was not finished. Anyway...

Pic 1: Filly Lauren Faust Alicorn
Yay! Lauren Faust! In Ali-filly form! So cute!

Pic 2: Frazzled Luna
I don't know why, but I find Luna with messy hair incredibly cute. It's sort of like ponies in socks. It's just... Cute somehow.

Pic 3: Derpy & Parasprite
Now, be careful with that Derpy! We don't want a repeat of Swarm Of The Century, now do we? It's derpy's innocent little smile that really makes this pic. =3

Pic 4: Celestia and Luna with Parents(?)
Interesting little Fanon this is. I wonder if there's a fanfic to go with this... Anyway, fillies = cuteness!

That's all for tonight. Sorry about all the problems lately, computers can be such a pain sometimes. Goodnight!

More Technical Difficulties

eeyup, still having some pretty bad technical issues. Please, just wait another day or two and it'll be settled...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Yet More Technical Difficulties

Well, the new computer had a problem so now I'm loaning a DIFFERENT computer that's exactly the same but has absolutely nothing on it. This could take a day or two to solve...

EDIT: The Midnight Brony is canceled for tonight, still working out the kinks.

EDIT 2: Hopefully everything is working now. Expect The Midnight Brony and a new Good Morning Applejack.

The Morning Brony (3/5/12)

Good morning, everypony!

First of all, the new computer issue is basically resolved. GIMP is installed! Yay! The problem is that I might have to switch back to my old computer if things don't go properly. Either way, Good Morning Applejack is back.

Second, I'd like to change "Shipping Sunday" to "Spoof Sunday" to avoid certain... complications. Shipping Sunday just seemed to get too dirty too fast, and I don't want The Midnight Brony to become a clop-blog.

Third, the new computer I'm using has Windows 7, which is a big change for me from Windows XP. I might have to work a bit harder to get used to the new interface, so things might be a bit slow.

Have a good day!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Shipping Sunday (3/4/12)

Google Images... I hate you so much...

Anyway, have some ponies!

     Lol, looks like RD got caught. Since this is from the actual show, I don't really have many comments on it. I never realized how thorough people were with the frame-by-frame stuff. I never even noticed this.

Pic 2: Discord The Ultimate Troll
     Nice sketch. Very proper reactions. Discord looks like he's a few frames away from a trollface there.

Pic 3: Derpy x Fluttershy (Flutterderp? Idk...)
     I like how this looks like it was a complete accident. Derpy just kind of... flew into Fluttershy's face. Sure, that's it...

I don't really feel quite sure about Shipping Sundays anymore. I try to keep it PG, but I'm bound to miss a sexual joke somewhere. I don't want this blog to look like a shipping blog or anything. I'd really like to replace it. I don't really have anything to replace Shipping Sunday with, though. Super Sunday? Sucky Sunday? S'more Sunday? Spoof Sunday? Yeah... maybe Spoof Sunday. Anyway, i'll keep you guys notified. Have a good night!

Technical Difficulties

Well, I'm going through the long and labor-intensive task of transferring all my stuff to a new laptop. GIMP, (My picture editing software,) isn't installed yet, so I won't be able to do much until then. I threw together this picture in MS paint, though.

Shipping Sunday is still on, of course. I just won't have any Good Morning Applejack's until I can get this computer taken care of.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Good Morning Applejack update

Keep in mind, I'm not a genius. I can only come up with so many comics before I run out of juice. That's why I've decided to overlap Good Morning Applejack and The Morning Brony posts. If I finish a comic, you'll get a new Good Morning Applejack. If I can't finish it in time or I just can't come up with anything, you'll get The Morning Brony.

Hopefully this will keep me in a state I feel comfortable with and keep you guys with new updates and possibly comics.

Also, I'm going to start posting Good Morning Applejack's on my Deviantart: Spark_of_Friendship. Check them out there!

Have a good night!

The Midnight Brony #11: Sketch Saturday (3/3/12)

A new sketch! This one is me as Applejack. This is actually pretty accurate to what I look like on Saturday Mornings...

A few things here. First time I attempted to do an angle shot on a pony's head. There's a problem with the eyes. I'll fix that next time. Applejack's hair doesn't *quite* angle with the head properly. The headphones don't really wrap to the other side of the head. Other than that, a pretty good sketch. Have a good night!

Good Morning Applejack #5: "Social Interaction"

Wow. Sorry it's so late, I spent all afternoon trying to get the banner right. Well, here it is:

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Midnight Brony #10: Free Friday (Vinyl Scratch edition! 3/2/12)

Hooray! The tenth Midnight Brony! Woo! The blog has officially gotten started. I thought I'd do something special for tonight, so I'm using only Vinyl Scratch/DJ-Pon3 pictures just for the heck of it.

Pic 1: Vinyl Scratch Detailed (sitting)
This pic has very nice detail. Vinyl's searing red eyes contrast nicely with the cool crystal blue of her hair. The shadows are well done and the position is quite tricky. Very nice.

Pic 2: Vinyl wallpaper (looking up-left)
I love the expression in this pic. She has an almost wistful look of her face, almost sad but not quite. The background only adds more to the image.

Pic 3: Vinyl Scratch as Diamond Sword
I don't really know who Diamond Sword is, but if he looks anything like this he's okay in my book. The rough lines and sharp edges give this pic more of an action feel. The expression is a nice cross between angry and pleased. Overall, very nice pic.

Well, thats all for tonight. As I predicted, I didn't have time to finish the Good Morning Applejack. (my computer crashed while I was making it and I didn't have time to start over.)
On the other hand, I have a sketch I can release tomorrow, so that's good.

Goodnight, everypony!