Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Shipping Sunday (3/4/12)

Google Images... I hate you so much...

Anyway, have some ponies!

     Lol, looks like RD got caught. Since this is from the actual show, I don't really have many comments on it. I never realized how thorough people were with the frame-by-frame stuff. I never even noticed this.

Pic 2: Discord The Ultimate Troll
     Nice sketch. Very proper reactions. Discord looks like he's a few frames away from a trollface there.

Pic 3: Derpy x Fluttershy (Flutterderp? Idk...)
     I like how this looks like it was a complete accident. Derpy just kind of... flew into Fluttershy's face. Sure, that's it...

I don't really feel quite sure about Shipping Sundays anymore. I try to keep it PG, but I'm bound to miss a sexual joke somewhere. I don't want this blog to look like a shipping blog or anything. I'd really like to replace it. I don't really have anything to replace Shipping Sunday with, though. Super Sunday? Sucky Sunday? S'more Sunday? Spoof Sunday? Yeah... maybe Spoof Sunday. Anyway, i'll keep you guys notified. Have a good night!

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