Friday, March 9, 2012

The Midnight Brony #16: Free Friday (3/9/12)

Good evening! Have some random pony pics!

Pic 1: Future Twilight Sparkle
Wow. One sneak-peek trailer for the new episode and there's already art of Future Twilight. Niiiice...

Pic 2: You Don't Say?
I will forever use this.

Pic 3: Dungeons and Dragons
Please, please let them make a role playing game episode. That amazing. I love how most of them switched races.

Pic 4: Luna Deal With It
Classic Luna-speak. Incredibly useful for Facebook.

Pic 5: RD Ninja
Very nice art. I'm going to add this to my background rotation...

Well, that's all for tonight. Have a good sleep, and see you in the morning!

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