Monday, March 5, 2012

The Morning Brony (3/5/12)

Good morning, everypony!

First of all, the new computer issue is basically resolved. GIMP is installed! Yay! The problem is that I might have to switch back to my old computer if things don't go properly. Either way, Good Morning Applejack is back.

Second, I'd like to change "Shipping Sunday" to "Spoof Sunday" to avoid certain... complications. Shipping Sunday just seemed to get too dirty too fast, and I don't want The Midnight Brony to become a clop-blog.

Third, the new computer I'm using has Windows 7, which is a big change for me from Windows XP. I might have to work a bit harder to get used to the new interface, so things might be a bit slow.

Have a good day!

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