Friday, March 16, 2012

McDonalds Applejack Toy (Very first pony figure!)

Finally, after many weeks of doing absolutely nothing but this blog and schoolwork, I got my hands on a pony figurine.

Sure, it might be a crappy McDonald's toy, and one of my friends might've found it covered in mud in the lunchroom, but it's still my very first bit of true Brony merchandise.

I took her home, cleaned her up, and even put her tail into the style of the show. (it's a bit sloppy, but I'm not exactly a hair stylist.)

My only big problem with the toy is the cutie mark. rather than the canon three apples on both sides, the figure has one huge apple on one flank only. I don't see how they managed to screw this up, since the brush/keychain loop that comes with it has the three apples on it. Of course, McDonald's has never really been known for it's toy quality, so it's okay.

Well, have a good day!

EDIT: added a pic.

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