Friday, March 16, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Free Friday (3/16/12)

Iiiiiiit's Free Friday, everypony! Let's have some pics!

Pic 1: Lauren Faust Alicorn

I found this gem of a pic on Equestria Daily a day or two ago and in 10 minutes had made it my profile picture on Facebook.

Pic 2: Appletini

Another Facebook picture. Doesn't AJ look so cute lying in her hat? Dawww...

Pic 3: My Little Avengers

This was in today's Drawfriend Stuff on Equestria Daily. Gotta love Avengers crossovers. Nice use of lighting, with some great detail. I'd love to have that Pinkie expression as a profile pic. (Geez, when did this turn into my Facebook preferences?)

Well, that's all for tonight. See you in the morning!

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