Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Wacky Wednesday: Steampunk! (3/8/12)

Have some Steedpunk!

Pic 1: Steampunk Doctor Hooves
I really like how the Doctor was presented in this picture. He looks calm and confident.

Pic 2: Steampunk Vinyl Scratch
What makes this image is the nearly seamless integration of Vinyl's modern spunk and Steampunk's Victorian-era clothing.

Pic 3: Steampunk Rainbow Dash
I love the lighting in this pic. Dash has some very nice expressions as well. The whole thing looks like a wistful and styled painting, and it looks beautiful.

Well, it appears I'm out of time. Goodnight, everypony, and I'll see you in the morning!

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