Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Midnight Brony: Too Cute Tuesday (3/6/12)

Despite many computer issues, I've managed to pull together Too Cute Tuesday. Unfortunately, the Good Morning Applejack was not finished. Anyway...

Pic 1: Filly Lauren Faust Alicorn
Yay! Lauren Faust! In Ali-filly form! So cute!

Pic 2: Frazzled Luna
I don't know why, but I find Luna with messy hair incredibly cute. It's sort of like ponies in socks. It's just... Cute somehow.

Pic 3: Derpy & Parasprite
Now, be careful with that Derpy! We don't want a repeat of Swarm Of The Century, now do we? It's derpy's innocent little smile that really makes this pic. =3

Pic 4: Celestia and Luna with Parents(?)
Interesting little Fanon this is. I wonder if there's a fanfic to go with this... Anyway, fillies = cuteness!

That's all for tonight. Sorry about all the problems lately, computers can be such a pain sometimes. Goodnight!

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