Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Morning Brony 3/17/12

Good morning, everypony!

It's Sketch Saturday, so you can expect a sketch tonight...

...I think...

Anyway, it's been a pretty productive morning so far, as far as my fanfic is concerned. I've begun doing revisions on the first chapter, and I'll do the prologue sometime today. (Yeah, I write the first chapter BEFORE the prologue. So sue me.)
It's going pretty good, considering I've never written a fanfic before... It still needs a lot of work, though. I've made my character an Alicorn, for now... She's turned back into a unicorn later in the story, and even when she's an Alicorn she doesn't have much control over her powers. (Crap, I'm giving too much away, aren't I?) So, going on...

I also discovered the magical symphony that is the Aviators. Check them out here:

I've also joined iBrony. It kind of reminds me of Facebook, except it's for Bronies. Plus, there are achievements, which makes it a step above Facebook in my opinion. You can find me here:

Well, have a good day!

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