Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Midnight Brony: A Temporary Solution

As you know, I haven't been able to do too many blogposts lately. The reason is that I'm writing a fanfic. Now, that probably sounds like a pretty dumb reason to not post, right?

Now, what you don't realize is that it's not just the fanfic. I also have school Monday-Friday, as well as whatever homework I get. So I basically only have time to do blogposts at night. (Hence, "The Midnight Brony.") Now, this was okay before, when I had 3000 pics on my phone that I could use on a whim. Now I'm down to a mere 1,300 or so due to iTunes not syncing right, and most of them have been used on the blog before. There's also the issue of the daily topic, where I need to have a specific type of pony picture. So now I'm spending 30 minutes finding pictures, then 30 minutes (roughly) to pull together the full blog post. Add the ~8 hours I spend at school most days. Add another 8 hours for a decent sleep. That's ~17 hours. Then, we have to factor in the fanfic.

The fanfic was going to be a "whenever I feel like it" sort of side project on Google Docs. Then I thought that it would be a good idea to publish it, just to get the feedback. So I signed up for an account on FIMfiction.net. I re-wrote the prologue that I had on G.D., and saved it. I read it. I read it again. And it hit me that the fanfic could actually turn out... Nice. It could be a decent achievement in the Brony community. It's not going to be the next Fallout: Equestria or anything, but i think it could, with time, become a sizable project. And so, I began devoting all of my precious spare time to writing "Everlasting Paradise."

It was this, combined with a need for a healthy sleep pattern and the photo shortage, that I began canceling more and more blogposts.

Thus, I have come up with a solution.

Monday-Friday I'll do temporary "whatever I feel like" photo posts. Saturday & Sunday will be Wacky Wednesday-style random-topic posts. Hopefully, once I get the fanfic going a bit more smoothly, I'll have time to do the regular themed posts.

And since I don't want to leave you with only a wall of text, have a photo.

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