Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Early Morning Brony (3/20/12)

Well, it's 4:50 right now. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to wake up now. So tired...

Anyway, sorry about the missing post last night, stayed up till ten typing away at a fanfic chapter. (I really, REALLY picked a bad day to wake up so early.)

In other news, Equestria Daily has proposed the idea of making synthetic MLP episodes over the summer break, to which I could only stare at my computer in awe and wonder as rainbows began shooting out of the screen. I just hope I can give support to them.

I've had quite a bit of trouble connecting to iBrony this morning. Did the server go down? Did I get banned for some obscure reason? Idk, but whatever it is I can't connect.

Well, I'm all out of ideas, so have a random picture.

Have a good day!

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